An action experiment approach

Based on learning from the Spark Team we have recently developed a new action experiment cycle diagram.

Across the partnership, members of Golden Key have been taking an action experiment approach to create system change. This approach to change focusses on what “I” can do, giving agency to people across all levels of organisations. So far over 75 people across the partnership have participated in the Schumacher Institute’s Systems Thinking training that provides an introduction to the approach.

Following the training, members of the Spark Team have been supporting people to put the action experiment theory into practice. This newly adapted cycle is based on their learning, incorporating commonly asked prompt questions and dividing the cycle into fewer key stages, which members of  the partnership have found to be more accessible.

You can download a copy of the cycle here or if you would like hard copies please contact us at

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Are We Rallying Together?


A day in the life of a Golden Key Service Coordinator